Research Themes
Our Programme of Research
Promoting wellbeing and facilitating resilience. Nature-based prevention and treatment of mental health problems.
Experimental psychology can help us understand which elements of nature are most important to different people.
Measuring contact with and connectedness to nature can be tricky. Developing valid and reliable measurement tools is an important part of all research.
Words as well as numbers. Understanding the lived experience in nature through qualitative research.
Quantitatively evaluating subjective experience of nature and wellbeing.
Understanding change over time can help us to develop a sense of what aspects of nature might cause good wellbeing.
“I owe much to my excursions to Nature. They have helped to clothe me with health, if not with humility; they have helped sharpen and attune all my senses…I go to Nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tune once more.”
— John Burroughs