Research grOup for Wellbeing And Nature (ROWAN)

A collaborative research group investigating the link between nature and mental health and wellbeing

“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity.”

— John Muir



“Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better” -Albert Einstein


Nature & Wellbeing Research Themes

  • Intervention

    Novel, nature-based interventions. Treatment or prevention, promoting resilience and wellbeing.

  • Experimental psychology

    Understanding the mechanisms and developing theory.

  • Psychometric

    Developing well-validated instruments to measure our relationship with nature.

  • Qualitative

    Understanding the phenomenology of Being in nature and the meaning it has for our sense of wellbeing.

  • Survey

    Questionnaire research on nature and wellbeing.

  • Longitudinal

    Understanding change over time (both big and small) is an important part of our reserch programme.


Why is nature good for you?

Dr Megan Rowley explains some of the reasons why spending time in nature can be good for you.